My older brother, Wade, was born in 1938.  Before his birth, the B & SE Railroad crossed the 80 acre tract on which the Little house was built, about a quarter of a mile below south of the Little house, next to Calebee Swamp.  The railroad had been closed and rails removed in 1936, but the right of way, with cross ties was still very open.

In 1940, Uncle R. V. and Aunt Ruby lived over on the road that ran through the swamp.  We called Uncle R. V. “Uncle Snap.” Mama and Daddy had no means of transportation other than walking at that time, and Wade was two years old. The shortest way to get from the Little House to Uncle R. V.’s house was to walk the quarter mile from the Little House to the old railroad right of way, and then west on the right of way to the road where Uncle Snap lived.  The total distance was probably a mile and a half or two miles.  Mama and Daddy and Wade had made that walking trip several times. 

Wade had a cat. One day, Wade and the cat decided to visit Uncle Snap!  So, Wade, age 2 made the trip, walking alone, with most of the journey adjacent to the swamp!  The cat accompanied him.  Uncle R. V. or someone there saw Wade coming from a distance, and sent his son, Ralph, running to find Mama and Daddy.  Both of them thought Wade was with the other.  All ended well, and Wade and the Cat made it back home safely.

When I think about the story, even now, it gives me chills.