about essays dealing with arbitration issues

Issues related to Arbitration

These essays explore issues that arise from the widespread movement of dispute resolution from the court system to arbitration.  The processes of resolution have been largely privatized, and while that may create short term efficiency, the impact on law and the court systems in the United States may be immense. 

1.24 The Dangers of Arbitration

Arbitration is a method of private dispute resolution that usually doesn’t involve courts.  Many of the States, including Alabama, had a stated policy specifically excluding the possibility of contracting away the right to go to court before federal legislation...

1.25 Arbitration: The Public’s Right to Know

This essay, like the preceding essay in this series, focuses on the privatization of dispute resolution in arbitration.  Congress enacted The Federal Arbitration Act that required arbitration in all matters involving interstate commerce where there was an arbitration...

1.28 Arbitration and Class Actions

Earlier in this series, there are essays describing the dangers that are inherent in corporate America’s ability to impose arbitration on the consuming public.  I pointed out that the power of dispute resolution is vested in the courts and that when dispute resolution...