I volunteered for lay speaking in United Methodist Church in about 1971 During the forty-plus years that I was active as a lay speaker, I probably spoke in over 100 Churches; maybe 150. I spoke in many different settings and contexts, often using the same talks more than once. I usually spoke extemporaneously, but occasionally recorded talks and transcribed them. Some of them were preserved. These are good samples of my talks.
The earliest talks were mainly in my geographic area. Often they were in small rural churches. Lay speakers would fill pulpits in the absence of an ordained minister.
I was elected Lay Leader of the Alabama West Florida Conference in 1985. The number of invitations to speak increased dramatically. I had opportunities for speaking all over south and west Alabama and in the Florida Panhandle. As a busy Circuit Judge, I had little time for preparation. I usually prepared at least an outline, but chose the words as they came to me.
In addition to churches I had other opportunities for speaking, and some of those were preserved also.
The talks presented here developed at various times over a period of forty years. My thinking was also developing during that time. I have tried to present the talks here as best I could in the chronology of their development.
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