About these essays on Miscellaneous topics
Miscellaneous Opinion Essays
During my career as Judge and lawyer, I have encountered a number of issues that I have deemed worthy of comment in the essays that I was writing at the time. They don’t fit into any particular categories that I have listed on this site. They are presented as free-standing issues.
1.21 Case Under Submission
Many of the earlier essays in this group of essays focused on various causes of ineffectiveness of the legal system. Most recently I dealt with the extreme ineffectiveness and waste of time that is involved with grand juries in the State of Alabama. In other essays, I...
1.22 Individualism In the Legal Profession
Individualism in the legal profession, like other walks of life, thrives on legends and myths. The profession cherishes certain images. One of these images is the image of the rugged individual. Rugged Individualism is an important part of the American tradition....
1.23 Natural Law and the United States Constitution
The concept of natural law was the prevailing philosophy of law throughout the formative period of modern nation states. The idea was that law is something that occurs naturally. It exists in nature, and is there to be discovered. Nature, of course, includes human...
1.26 Faith About What Is Right
At the time I wrote this essay as an oped for the Alabama Gazette, I was teaching a course about faith in my church. I make the rather obvious point that faith is what we really believe. I’m afraid that sometimes we don’t really believe what we say we believe. We...
1.29 Opinion Polls
It seems that every time I answer the phone these days it is a new opinion poll. The pollsters have even gotten into cell phones. I probably receive at least twelve or fifteen such calls each week. The calls are intrusive and excessive. The benefits arising from the...
1.32 Ignorance: The Mother of Evil
First, let’s focus on ignorance; then we can develop its relationship to evil. Ignorance certainly includes lack of knowledge, but ignorance is not merely absence of knowledge. Ignorance has a positive existence in human consciousness. It consists of incorrect beliefs...
1.33 A Story About Schools
Public education was and is the great American dream. Nevertheless, since the 1950s, we have seen a broad-based movement toward the privatization of education. It is against this background that I tell my story. Stephen Covey who wrote The 7 Habits of Highly Effective...